So after four years I’m approaching licentiate degree with my thesis almost finalized, “Entrepreneurial Competency Development in Education – a Tool-Based Approach”. By this time since start, many PhD students are already making ready for the doctoral degree. But at Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship we do education and outreach activities at the same time as doing research, so it takes more time. It’s called “action research”.

At the university feedback is a very scarce resource. So if any of you out there wants to have a look at my licentiate thesis document, I put it up here for you to read and give me feedback. It goes into print on 4:th of October, so feel free to get back to me before then. Basically my four years have generated five main propositions, and here they are:

(1) Adding value creation goals to curriculum can increase learners’ motivation and enhance the capacity to develop entrepreneurial competencies.

(2) Adding a venture creation program to the curricular offering of a higher education institution can increase its technology transfer efficiency and its capacity to develop entrepreneurial competencies.

(3) Effectuation has been identified as a method in curriculum design to increase both legitimacy and efficiency of process-based, iterative and socially situated learning environments.

(4) Educators aiming to develop entrepreneurial competencies should try to design a learning environment ripe of uncertainty and ambiguity where students frequently are able and encouraged to interact with the outside world in a working environment emphasizing a team-based approach.

(5) These kinds of emotional events and situations can be considered an explanatory proxy between educational design and developed entrepreneurial competencies.

If you want to read the entire LIC kappa, I’ve uploaded a draft version here. It contains 34 pages of text – theory, method, paper summaries and discussion. The three attached articles are available on request. Any feedback is very much appreciated!


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