So. Finally after four years my licentiate thesis is finalized, titled “Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies – An Action-Based Approach and Classification in Education”. The dissertation is available for download here: Lackeus – Licentiate Thesis 2013 – Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies.
This final version contains five main propositions – an operationalization of entrepreneurial competencies, four classes of action-based entrepreneurial education, a causal linkage explaining how learners become entrepreneurial through experiencing emotional events, a new perspective on assessing entrepreneurial education and an “actionable knowledge” approach to bridging between traditional and progressive education.
It got one month delayed, because my supervisors didn’t like the previous version. Well, I can’t blame them. The previous version was probably way more difficult to understand than this one, and simplicity is not easy. My supervisors probably adhere to the principle “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” (Da Vinci), and that has certainly been challenging.
The dissertation will be defended on 5:th of December 1.15-3 p.m., at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The address is Vera Sandbergs Allé 8, and the room is “IT-labbet” which is on 4:th floor in house 3 of former “Vasa Sjukhus”. Everyone is warmly welcomed. And please feel free to get back to me with your thoughts on the dissertation. Either here or through Twitter.