Hem How VCP2

How VCP2

Use the entrepreneurial toolbox

Since this is a new website, the text has not yet been written for this post. Please come back soon and have a look! We are currently working to produce good and readable texts...

Let students try a profession

Since this is a new website, the text has not yet been written for this post. Please come back soon and have a look! We are currently working to produce good and readable texts...

Ask your students questions

The questions we ask ourselves shape our worlds. They shape how we think, act, feel and relate. Questions can transform individuals, organizations, even the world. Questions are key tools in value creation pedagogy, since...

Tweak your teaching

Applying value creation pedagogy is as easy as pouring a drip of color into a glass of water. The addition can be done in a rather easy way, but all the water in the...