Swedish reports & articles |
Summary of impact of three different kinds of entrepreneurial education |
Effekter av tre olika sorters entreprenöriell utbildning |
1 |
Impact study of value creation in education (2016) |
Entreprenöriell utbildning som värdeskapande lärande - en tredje väg? En effektstudie av värdeskapande lärande på uppdrag av Skolverket |
2 |
Impact study of entrepreneurship and enterprise education (2016) |
Koncept kontra skola: En studie av åtta entreprenöriella lärmiljöer - En effektstudie på uppdrag av Region Skåne |
3 |
Summary of entrepreneurship in education for OECD (2015) |
Entreprenörskap i utbildning - vad varför när hur? |
4 |
Impact study of enterprise education (2015) |
Elevperspektiv från tre entreprenöriella lärmiljöer i svensk grundskola - en effektstudie genomförd på uppdrag av Skolverket |
5 |
Impact study of Framtidsfrön enterprise education (2014) |
Att mäta det omätbara |
6 |
Summary of entrepreneurship in education for Entreprenörskapsforum |
Entreprenörskapsutbildning - från ABC till PhD |
7 |
Swedish teacher resources |
Form for teacher planning of value creation pedagogy |
Värdeskapande blankett |
8 |
Swedish videos |
Video about value creation pedagogy (10 min) |
Värdeskapande som pedagogik på 10 minuter |
9 |
Video from school development conference AFK Linköping (1 hour) |
Värdeskapande lärande, effektstudier och formativ bedömning |
10 |
Video about formative assessment (15 min) |
Formativ bedömning - en film om Sara! |
11 |
Video about social learning media tool LoopMe in higher education (5 min) |
LoopMe på högskolan |
12 |
English teacher resources |
Form for teacher planning of value creation pedagogy |
Value creation pedagogy assignment |
13 |
English thesis work |
Licentiate thesis Martin Lackéus (2013) |
Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies - An Action-Based Approach and Classification in Education |
14 |
Doctoral thesis Martin Lackéus (2016) |
Value creation as educational practice - towards a new educational philosophy grounded in entrepreneurship? |
15 |
Doctoral thesis Karen Williams Middleton (2010) |
Developing Entrepreneurial Behavior - Facilitating Nascent Entrepreneurship at the University |
16 |
English videos |
Video about value creation pedagogy (10 mins) |
Value creation pedagogy - 7 years in 10 minutes |
17 |
Video about Social Learning Media (15 mins) |
Social Learning Media - What, Why, How? |
18 |
Video about LoopMe in education (5 mins) |
LoopMe in Education |
19 |
Video series about entrepreneurship in education (6x10 mins) |
Entrepreneurship in education - 10 min mini-seminar series in 6 part |
20 |
English reports |
Summary of entrepreneurship in education for OECD |
Entrepreneurship in Education - What Why When How |
21 |
Case descriptions of 14 Venture Creation Programs worldwide |
Venture Creation Programs - 14 case descriptions of participating programs at ELF conference 2012 |
22 |
English research papers |
Book chapter about LoopMe as a research tool |
Collecting digital research data through scientific social media |
23 |
Conference paper about Designed Action Sampling |
“Coming home to Kansas”: Designed Action Sampling as a new research method to help build active EE communities |
Chapter in book on enterprise education in the UK |
Making enterprise education more relevant through mission creep |
24 |
Paper in E+T discussing links between entrepreneurial education and neoliberalism (2017) |
Does entrepreneurial education trigger more or less neoliberalism in education? |
25 |
Best paper winner at 3E research conference in Cork, Ireland (2017) |
Can entrepreneurial education escape being caught between marginal (‘the Devil’) and irrelevant
(‘the Deep Blue Sea’) practices? |
26 |
Paper in IJEBR defining value creation as educational philosophy (2016) |
Bridging the traditional - progressive education rift through entrepreneurship |
27 |
Paper in E+T defining Venture Creation Programs (VCPs) (2015) |
Venture Creation Programs - Bridging Entrepreneurship Education and Technology Transfer |
28 |
Best paper nominee at 3E research conference in Luneburg, Germany (2015) |
Opening up the Black Box of Entrepreneurial Education - Outline of an app-based action research project |
29 |
Paper in IJME outlining app based research methodology (2014) |
An emotion based approach to assessing entrepreneurial education |
30 |
Paper in Trames on emotions in entrepreneurial education (2013) |
The sources and dynamics of emotions in entrepreneurship education |
31 |
Spanish books |
Book about value creation pedagogy |
Pedagogía de creación de valor: Un manual para el aprendizaje significativo en la escuela |
32 |