In 2021 I wrote a book about value creation pedagogy in Swedish, aimed for teachers. This book is not yet available in English. But below I make some of the chapters available in English. The translation is not professional, but will still give a pretty accurate account of the book's content. One day we hopefully will be able to do a "proper" translation of this book into English. If we can find a publisher for it, that is.


Introduction Actually, it is a bit too early for me to write a book on value creation pedagogy. After many years of research on the subject, I still do not think I understand the phenomenon well enough. Too many key questions remain unanswered. Too many powerful moments I myself have experienced and been able to observe as researcher amaze and confuse me. When I was first asked a few years ago if I wanted to write a book, I therefore said no thanks. It did not feel right. For sure, we clearly saw the strong light from the glow of...

Chapter 1: An in-depth look at value creation pedagogy

In this chapter, I take a more detailed look at what value creation pedagogy is. Word by word, I go through key details and perspectives. It will be a bit of word-twisting, because if our words are limited, the world we live in will also be limited. I'm not the first to focus on students' value creation for others in education. Medieval apprentices and Freinet's pedagogy of work were far ahead. Several of my contemporary research colleagues have also touched upon the idea before. But perhaps value creation pedagogy is the most specific semantics that has been proposed. I often...

Chapter 2: Why value creation pedagogy?

Now let's talk effects. Because if there is anything that motivates work with value creation pedagogy, it is all the strong effects we have been able to see when students and teachers work with value creation. Students gain strengthened motivation, self-confidence, perseverance, initiative and empathy for others. They become kinder to each other, take greater responsibility for their learning and experience school as more meaningful. Many students also learn more and get higher grades. The effects are mainly triggered by interaction with the outside world, value creation for others, teamwork and receiving feedback from outsiders, see Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1...

Chapter 3. Get started with your students

A few years ago, my son's fifth grade class had challenges that concerned me. Actually, we guardians are supposed to stay out of school leadership. But I had this idea that it might get better with some value creation pedagogy that could strengthen the classroom community and student motivation in this highly unfocused classroom. After good dialogue with that fall's substitute teacher, I got the chance to help out a bit. I was given forty minutes with the class and happily thought that with my ten years of action research on pedagogy I was well equipped to meet the...

Chapter 6: The value-creating teacher’s toolkit

I may be one of the least fluffy fluff teachers you'll ever meet. My background as an IT geek, programmer and engineer has made me allergic to fluff. I've long been on the hunt for the perfect educational algorithm. An impossible and naive mission, of course. But along the way, I've come up with a variety of practical tools to help teachers navigate through fancy phrases, loose talk and fuzzy approaches. I thought I'd tell you about some of them in this chapter. They help to simplify what is often otherwise a rather complicated action-based and student-centred learning process. First,...

Chapter 7: Challenges of value creation pedagogy

This chapter looks at the different challenges teachers may face in working with value creation pedagogy. The content is based on reflections I received from teachers in my research. Succeeding at something really great often requires a lot of hard work. If value-creation for students at school had been easy, it would probably have been done already. We have seen challenges in five areas, see Figure 7.1. Practical challenges Taking the first step in value creation pedagogy is often about overcoming challenges of a fairly practical nature. These can range from a good reason to try something new to various how-to...

Chapter 8. Assessment of value creation pedagogy

In this chapter, I will give my current view of what we have learned about assessment - an important but difficult issue for the value-creating teacher. In our research, we are often drawn into various attempts to further develop teachers' assessment strategies. Every year we learn more in this complex area, so this may be a bit of a flogiston chapter. The more sophisticated tools and methods described here are, in all honesty, a little difficult to explain in text form. I beg your indulgence if it is sometimes difficult to keep up. Then, just skip ahead to the...

Chapter 9: Value creation pedagogy for sustainable development

There are many good examples of students who learn through creating value that contributes to a more sustainable world (see part two). Value creation pedagogy is an effective way for students to learn more about sustainable development. Teachers gain access to concrete tools and methods that help students develop their ability to act on sustainability issues. Students get to try out an important future skillset in practice — sustainability development — a role that will soon become a necessary part of most professions. The chance that they choose a life path that contributes to a sustainable future then increases...

Chapter 10. Value creation pedagogy as integration

Value creation pedagogy can be an important piece of the integration puzzle. Some of the schools we followed in our research are located in socio-economically vulnerable areas. There, we have been able to follow how the approach strengthens integration for many years. I can honestly say that this was an unexpected effect, but on reflection it is not particularly remarkable. After all, integration is about achieving inclusion, the opposite of exclusion. To be involved, to be taken seriously and to experience the warmth of a wider community. All of this is enabled when students get to create value for...