This week I am visiting a venture creation program at Université Catholique de Louvain, called CPME – link here. I have had a chance to speak to some of the students, and meet with some of the faculty/staff – Frank Janssen, Valérie Eeckhout and Amélie Jacquemine. This program is one of the most experienced VCPs, it has been going since 1997 and has generated over 350 entrepreneurial alumni so far. Their speciality is interdisciplinarity, and they have engaged a whopping seven different faculties – Sciences, Médecine, Psychologie, Biologique, Management, Droit and Polytechnique. Students from all these schools form interdisciplinary teams developing ideas from university research and also ideas from the students themselves. They have also published three articles about their program, a very interesting read. One of these articles can be found in this book. Their attitude and philosophy, and also the opportunities and challenges they see are very similar to ours in Gothenburg. To sum up – a very engaging and encouraging visit!


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